3522vip浦京集团官网 学院概况 师资队伍 本科生教育 研究生教育 科学研究 学生工作 招生就业 党群工作 学院校友 规章制度 评估认证
序号 | 作者 | 论文标题 | 刊物名称 | 年/卷(期)/页码 | 1 | 龙激波*,阿勇嘎,王泉,王平. | 一种光热建筑一体化Trombe墙体系统传热性能研究 | 土木建筑与环境工程.2018, 40(1):141-148. | // |
2 | Jibo Long*, Ruichao Zhang, Jiao Lu, Fu Xu | Heat transfer performance of an integrated solar-air source heat pump evaporator | Energy Conversion and Management | /184/626-635 |
3 | 陈宾 | Excavation-process-stability control of soil similar slope by Cement-Silicate double solution grouting | 2011 The International Conference on Remote Sensing, Environment and Transportation Engineering | // |
4 | Xuhui Zhang, Yuming Luo, Lei Wang, Jianren Zhang, Wenpeng Wu, Caiqian Yang | Flexural strengthening of damaged RC T-beams using local Self-Compacting Concrete jacketing under different sustaining load | Construction and Building Materials | /172/185-195 |
5 | Lei Wang, 张旭辉, Jianren Zhang, Yafei Ma, Yibing Xiang, Yongming Liu | Effect of insufficient grouting and strand corrosion on flexural behavior of PC beams | Construction and Building Materials | 53/53/213-224 |
6 | Lei Wang, 张旭辉, Jianren Zhang, Lizhao Dai, Yongming Liu | Failure analysis of corroded PC beams under flexural load considering bond degradation | Engineering Failure Analysis | 73/73/11-24 |
7 | 张旭辉,Lei Wang, Jianren Zhang, Yafei Ma, Yongming Liu | Flexural behavior of bonded post-tensioned concrete beams under strand corrosion | Nuclear Engineering and Design | 313/313/414-424 |
8 | 张旭辉,Lei Wang, Jianren Zhang, Yongming Liu | Corrosion-induced flexural behavior degradation of locally ungrouted post-tensioned concrete beams | Construction and Building Materials | 134/134/7-17 |
9 | 张旭辉,Lei Wang, Jianren Zhang, Yongming Liu | Bond degradation–induced incompatible strain between steel bars and concrete in corroded RC beams | ASCE Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities | 6/30/04016058 |
10 | 张旭辉,Lei Wang, Jianren Zhang, Yongming Liu | Model for flexural strength calculation of corroded RC beams considering bond-slip behavior | ASCE Journal of Engineering Mechanics | 7/142/04016038 |
11 | 张旭辉,Lei Wang, Jianren Zhang | Mechanical behavior and chloride penetration of high strength concrete under freeze-thaw attack | Cold Regions Science and Technology | /142/17-24 |
12 | 张旭辉,Yuming Luo, Lei Wang, Jianren Zhang, Wenpeng Wu, Caiqian Yang | Flexural strengthening of damaged RC T-beams using local Self-Compacting Concrete jacketing under different sustaining load | Construction and Building Materials | /172/185-195 |
13 | 陈宾 | Process Stability of High Cut Slope under Complex Geological Conditions during Construction | 2011 International Conference on Electric Technology and Civil Engineering | // |
14 | 陈宾 | 道路改扩建膨胀土边坡工程过程稳定性分析及治理 | 矿业工程 | // |
15 | 陈宾 | 基于应变软化模型的桩锚支护过程稳定性分析 | 湘潭大学自然科学学报 | // |
16 | 陈宾 | 坡前堆填四边形有限土体被动土压力计算 | 工业建筑 | // |
17 | 陈宾 | 干湿循环条件下红砂岩软弱夹层微结构与剪切强度的关联性 | 岩土力学 | // |
18 | 福,曾南,成可心,王欣,龙士国,丁燕怀,杨才千 | A study of the nanoindentation creep behavior of (La0.5Ce0.5) 65Al10Co25 metallic glass based on fractional differential rheological model | Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids | 490(4): 50-60 // |
19 | 龙激波*,张睿超,卢姣,许福. | Heat transfer performance of an integrated solar-air source heat pump evaporator. | Energy Conversion and Management 184 (2019) 626-635. (SCI,IF6.377) | // |
20 | 龙激波*,阿勇嘎,孙宏发. | Thermal insulation performance of a trombe wall combined with collector and reflection layer in hot summer and cold winter zone. | Energy and buildings 171 (2018):144-154.(SCI,IF4.457) | // |
21 | [2] Jibo Long*, Yongga A, Hongfa Sun | Thermal insulation performance of a trombe wall combined with collector and reflection layer in hot summer and cold winter zone. | Energy and buildings | /171/144-154(SCI,IF4.457) |
22 | 龙激波,李念平,阮芳,黄思怡 | 地表水地源热泵系统冷热源利用的节能评价 | 湖南大学学报自然科学版.2014, 41(2):47-51. | // |
23 | 龙激波,李念平,阮芳,黄思怡 | 新型竹材结构建筑的热湿失效机理分析 | 安全与环境学报.2013, 13(5):155-158. | // |
24 | 龙激波,李念平,王倩 | 竹筋混凝土的热湿应力分析 | 湖南大学学报自然科学版.2010, 37(12):1-6. | // |
25 | Jibo Long*, Yongga A, Hongfa Sun | Thermal insulation performance of a trombe wall combined with collector and reflection layer in hot summer and cold winter zone | Energy and buildings | /171/144-154 |