3522vip浦京集团官网 学院概况 师资队伍 本科生教育 研究生教育 科学研究 学生工作 招生就业 党群工作 学院校友 规章制度 评估认证
序号 | 作者 | 论文标题 | 刊物名称 | 年/卷(期)/页码 | 1 | 龙激波*,卢姣,姜孟庭,杜安然,张睿超,阿勇嘎 | Study on solar energy utilization characteristics of a solar building integrated wall | Applied Thermal Engineering 175 (2020) 115289 (SCI IF4.026) | // |
2 | Sun Hongfa, Li Angui | Study of the Airflow Patterns in Human Upper Respiratory System Under Circular Breathing | Science of Advanced Materials | 7/9/1131-1140 |
3 | Hongfa Sun, Angui Li, Jifu Wu | Entrained air by particle plume: comparison between theoretical derivation and numerical analysis | Particulate Science and Technology | /4/1-9 |
4 | 孙宏发, 贾中坚, 靳鸿攀, 唐磊, 范嘉倩, 孙荣. | 风管中气流平均速度理论推导及模拟验证, | 建筑热能通风空调,38(2):1-5 | 2/38/1-5 |
5 | 龙激波,夏奎明,钟会会,路昊霖,阿勇噶 | Study on energy-saving operation of a combined heating system of solar hot water and air source heat pump | Energy Conversion and Management Volume 229, 1 February 2021, 113624 | // |
6 | Hongfa Sun(孙宏发), Angui Li, Jibo Long(龙激波), Jifu Wu,Wenrong Zhang, Jing Zhang. | Experimental Study on the Characteristics of Entrained Air during the Particle Flow Fall Process, | Powder Technology, 2020, 374:421-429 | // |
7 | Hongfa Sun(孙宏发), Angui Li, Jifu Wu, Jing Zhang. | Particle flow fall process: a systematic study of entrained air under unconfined and semi-confined fall conditions. | Granular Matter, 22, 2 (2020) | // |
8 | Hongfa Sun(孙宏发), Angui Li, Jifu Wu. | Entrained air by particle plume: comparison between theoretical derivation and numerical analysis, | Particulate Science and Technology, (4):1-9, 2019. | // |
9 | Sun Hongfa(孙宏发), Li Angui | Study of the Airflow Patterns in Human Upper Respiratory System Under Circular Breathing, | Science of Advanced Materials,9(7):1131-1140 | // |
10 | Hongfa Sun, Angui Li, Jifu Wu, Jing Zhang. | Particle flow fall process: a systematic study of entrained air under unconfined and semi-confined fall conditions. | Granular Matter | 49/22/ |
11 | Hongfa Sun, Angui Li, Jifu Wu | Entrained air by particle plume: comparison between theoretical derivation and numerical analysis | Particulate Science and Technology | 4/4/1-9 |
12 | Sun Hongfa, Li Angui | Study of the Airflow Patterns in Human Upper Respiratory System Under Circular Breathing | Science of Advanced Materials | 7/9/1131-1140 |
13 | 孙宏发, 李安桂. | 基于工业转载溜槽的颗粒体平抛运动及逸散过程模拟, | 西安建筑科技大学学报(自科版),52(3):447-454 | 3/52/447-454 |
14 | 孙宏发, 李安桂. | 转载溜槽内颗粒流斜抛运动过程颗粒扩散的数值模拟, | 安全与环境学报,19(2):713-722 | 2/19/713-722 |
15 | 3. Hongfa Sun, Angui Li, Jifu Wu, Jing Zhang. | Particle flow fall process: a systematic study of entrained air under unconfined and semi-confined fall conditions. | Granular Matter | // |
16 | Kui Song* and Zheng Zhou | Two touching/self-assembly droplets in uniform Stokes flow: Viscous energy dissipation of the flow in droplets | Physics of Fluids | // |
17 | 龙激波*,姜孟庭,卢姣,杜安然. | Vertical temperature distribution characteristics and adjustment methods of a Trombe wall | Building and Environment 165 (2019) 106386 (SCI,IF4.820) | // |
18 | 罗婷,张睿超,刘富贵,龙激波* | 太阳能空气能一体化热泵蒸发器能效的实验研究 | 湘潭大学自然科学学报2019, 41(2):77-84 | // |
19 | 王磊,张旭辉,张建仁 | 局部无压浆PC构件抗弯性能试验及计算方法 | 中国公路学报 | 27(10)/27(10)/64-74 |
20 | 张旭辉,王磊,张建仁 | 钢筋锈蚀的配斜筋混凝土梁抗剪性能试验研究 | 桥梁建设 | 47(5)/47(5)/77-82 |
21 | 张旭辉,王磊,张建仁,吴兵辉 | 锈蚀钢筋与混凝土不协调变形量化方法及对构件抗弯性能的影响 | 建筑结构学报 | 40(1)/40(1)/113-121 |
22 | Lei Wang, Yi Ju, Jianren Zhang, Jiang Youban, Xuhui Zhang | Effect of corrosion-induced crack on the bond between strand and concrete | Construction and Building Materials | 153/153/598-606 |
23 | Yafei Ma, Fuyou Xu, Lei Wang, Jianren Zhang, Xuhui Zhang | Influence of corrosion-induced cracking on structural behavior of reinforced concrete arch ribs | Engineering Structures | 117/117/184-194 |
24 | Lei Wang, 张旭辉, Jianren Zhang, Ju Yi; Yongming Liu | Simplified model for corrosion-induced bond degradation between steel strand and concrete | ASCE Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering | 29(4)/29(4)/04016257 |
25 | Lei Wang, 张旭辉, Jianren Zhang, Yafei Ma, Yongming Liu | Effects of stirrup and inclined bar corrosion on shear behavior of RC beams | Construction and Building Materials | 98/98/537-546 |